Stick ranger wiki level
Stick ranger wiki level

stick ranger wiki level

After getting a starter set of armor and a decent weapon or two, you likely want to set your sights on saving for a cheaper worn-haste item such as Silver Chitin Hand Wraps (SCHW) or Flowing Black Silk Sash (FBSS).This can easily hold you over until you get Swiftwind or other epic-equivalent 1-handed weapons. The Woodsman's Staff is a really great weapon post-40 when the damage cap is lifted, and should be something you consider saving towards to replace your Silver Swiftblade with eventually.That's time and money you can spend on other things. It will also save you time and (some) money on fletching your own arrows. If you're root/rot soloing, pulling in a group, or even in later raid settings it's invaluable to have a limitless supply of arrows (even low damage arrows like this item summons) for Trueshot or just applying damage when you need to back off a mob. A Tolan's Darkwood Bracer is invaluable (usable at 45 or 46) regardless of what role you're playing.However, here are a few ideas to consider: I don't want to be too prescriptive with this guide, because where to take your character next and what goals to set for yourself is half the fun of playing. You're investing in your character's future. You might be thinking, "Well why shouldn't I turn them in myself and level faster?!" The answer is simple, the plat you invest in a set of Banded Armor and a decent weapon will help you level faster for 20-30 levels, not just for 5-10. Players will often buy these for a few plat per belt to jump-start new characters, as they are turn-ins for fairly good low-level XP-granting quests. These would be either Crushbone Belts or Deathfist Slashed Belts, depending on your locale. Regardless of what race you pick, one great avenue to acquire money for said gear is killing orcs and looting their belts. This can easily last you as a passable weapon until your high-30's to even 40. I'd strongly suggest a Silver Swiftblade as your starter weapon. Your immediate focus should be getting Banded Armor and a decent weapon or two. However, here are some tidbits of advice I would offer. That's really one of the best facets of EverQuest as a game. I won't get into this too exhaustively because there's a myriad of different ways to advance your character's progression. Lastly, I'd encourage anyone wandering by with pearls of wisdom to please add them! :) I'll try to clearly call out where I might not have a lot of first-hand expertise, so you can understand where the advice is coming from. The content I've provided here is not meant to be exhaustive or exclusionary. Rangers are a very fun but challenging class to play, and I'd like to share some of the things I've learned to make the lives of new Rangers out there just a little bit easier or better. My name is Daerim and this guide is intended to help aspiring Rangers out there.

Stick ranger wiki level